Guided Visualization

If you’re willing to use your imagination - which we all have the ability to do - then you can use visualization to improve your own wellbeing, and much more. It wasn’t until I was an adult, and learned about visualization and manifestation in books and elsewhere, that I realized that I had been engaging in this practice – and benefiting from it – for as long as I could remember. It’s one of the tools that we all have at our disposal. The secret powers of the practice are embodied in each and every one of us, and all it takes is knowing that in order to begin.

Simply closing your eyes and imagining desired outcomes, in broad brushstrokes, and the feelings around those desired outcomes, as if they’ve already happened… and even assigning affirming words to those visions and feelings… is one way to describe the practice of visualization.

I’ve learned the magic in the practice is that I can never predict or control the specific details of a desired outcome. That’s where the broad brushstrokes come in. The more attached you are to the feelings you want to feel, and the more detached you are from the details around the series of events that happen to get you there, the more magical and satisfying the experience. This isn’t just for fun. This is a real way of being that can transform you from feeling dissatisfied and powerless in situations at home, work and in our world, to feeling deeply connected to yourself, others around you, and the energy that guides us and all life on Earth.

Guiding you in visualizing who you are and why you’re here at this time… and how you, as part of a global community, will positively influence and benefit from those visions, is another reason why I know I’m here at this time. It’s an action you can take that is real and true, and that can be filled with deep purpose and power. When you imagine - and feel as if it’s already happened - what it’s truly like, in all the best ways, for not only you, but everyone and everything on our planet, to be healthy and well, then you can set scenarios in motion that allow you to embody health and wellbeing as part of our interconnected global community.

I offer custom individual and group guided visualization sessions, and group programs and workshops for non-profit and for-profit organizations who want to boost their positive impact. I also host free, guided visualization events, dedicated to world-thriving themes, on pre-set days and times. Please go to the bottom of my home page to sign up for my mailing list, to learn about these events, and invite your friends. The more of us coming together, and multiplying our powerful impact, the better!

Note: if you (or the audience your organization serves) are presently unable to function emotionally in your daily life, then coaching is not advisable at this time. Once you work with the right licensed therapist or other licensed clinician, and are feeling emotionally stable, then I’d be happy to have a conversation about how I can help you move forward with your personal and/or professional goals, and to fully access your Truth, Identity & Purpose.

Background image by Elizabeth Lemont