I’m Deb, and I help individuals, groups and organizations find practical pathways to transform their personal & professional realities, so they can model world-thriving behaviors

You’re in the right place if:

  • You’re tired of listening to the outside noise telling you what you “should be doing,” and you want to start acting in a way that’s uniquely right for you

  • you desire a deeper connection with yourself, others and everything around you

  • you want to ditch the foggy goggles and see your truth clearly revealed

  • You’re craving intentionality when it comes to improving yourself and the world around you

  • you’re ready to model behavior that’s intentional and sustainable

    This is all true whether you’re here as a forward-facing global community member, or a member of a personal/organizational group.

image by Phyllis Meredith Photography


About Me

After a lifetime of learning, including a nonprofit career and two wellness startups, helping individuals, groups and organizations identify practical pathways to transform themselves in positive and impactful ways, is what I’m meant to be doing. Everything I’ve experienced for 55 years, including what I’ve learned from challenging life lessons and the thoughts and emotions attached to them, as well as the countless tools and practices I’ve used to care for myself and gain deeper understanding and spiritual connection, has led me here. I view coaching as an extension of my life as wife, mother, family member, friend and self-actualized global community member. Helping you identify and follow practical pathways to transformation stems from my own experience of discovering and claiming who I’ve always been, and will always be, along the continuum of my life… and why.

I work best with those of you who embrace an open-minded and holistic way of seeing yourself and your place in our world. No coaching topic – be it personal or professional – is off-limits or irrelevant. Curiosity over what those limitless possibilities could mean for you and for our world motivates and delights me.

Read More About Me

Background image by Phyllis Meredith Photography

My Training & Practices


Credentials & Degrees

I hold an ACC credential with the International Coaching Federation (ICF), and I certified with the Human Potential Institute (HPI), when it was an ICF-accredited coach training program. I also earned a verified certificate from MIT’s U-School for U-Lab: Leading from the Emerging Future. My B.A. and M.Ed. degrees are from Boston University.


Other Training

I completed my Mindfulness training with Rod Francis & Erin Woo through the Human Potential Institute, and attended in-person workshops with Donna Eden in Eden Method/Energy Medicine; and Deborah Davis, in Qigong for Women. I’ve also participated in countless online workshops and webinars on a variety of contemplative and wellness practices.


My Daily Practices

My daily practices help me stay present, connected, healthy and well – personally, and as a coach. These include spending time in nature; plant-based, ayurvedic lifestyle; keeping my energy clean & balanced; visualization; gardening; listening to music; and time with my family, including our beloved dog, among other intentional delights.

Above 3 images by Phyllis Meredith Photography

My Coaching Process and Style…

My specialty as a coach is to partner with you to engage with your full embodied self, as you welcome the transformation asking to emerge in your life. In this intentional and practical way of being, you’re learning to use your basic human technology, positioning yourself as an effective leader in the emerging future and transformation of our world. Learn more

In working with my clients, we engage in a deeper communication than you might be used to. I begin each session by guiding you to be present, grounded and ready for coaching. You share your coaching topic and what you’d like to leave the session with - your desired outcome. Then, we explore your topic, with me asking questions and actively listening to your answers.

I safely guide you in asking your full self what it knows about the topic. In this deeper style of inquiry, the wisdom of you, holistically, may begin to emerge in some way. In true embodiment exploration, your body may partner and communicate with you by using the felt sense, such as tightness in the chest, butterflies in the stomach, or feelings of lightness or heaviness, to name just a few possible sensations. In addition to communicating with your whole self through embodiment, you may tangentially experience visual imagery and spontaneous memory, or access words and phrases that feel and sound more like intuition and less like the reel of stories that may be playing in your everyday mind. This is how additional meaning, clarity and insight may be shared with you. Once this exploration is complete, I guide you to tie it back to your desired outcome, and to resources, tangible actions, and accountability moving forward.

It’s not necessary for us to meet in person in order for you to benefit from Practical Transformation Coaching. I work virtually, on Zoom, with or without video - that’s your choice. I coach globally, in English, and am located in the United States on Eastern Standard time.

In addition to working with individual clients, I work with groups of individuals around shared topics. I also work with non-profits and for-profit companies, and agencies helping our world to heal, and who want to be a model organization that allows it to thrive.

I tend not to rely on assessment tools in my coaching, as I’m convinced only you as your true holistic self - and the energy that guides you - can assess what’s really going on with you. Assigning labels to yourself doesn’t enter the conversation. You can learn more about why I don’t use assessment tools here.


Background image by Elizabeth Lemont

Might We Work Well Together…?

The keys are in your hands the moment we begin our work together.

As a coach, I won’t be unlocking any doors for you or telling you what to do or how. I’ll be helping you use the keys to unlock your own internal wisdom, so that you can show up confidently and sustainably as your happiest, healthiest and most productive self.

I specialize in partnering with open-minded, curious, deep thinking people who’ve taken steps in their journey & are ready for meaningful and impactful movement forward.

Are you willing to embrace Practical Transformation with confidence, intentionality & joy?

Are you ready to make this committed investment in yourself & your true potential?

If a definitive “Yes!” is your answer to any of these important questions, then let’s meet!

Note: if you (or the audience your organization serves) are presently unable to function emotionally in your daily life, then coaching is not advisable at this time. Once you work with the right licensed therapist or other licensed clinician, and are feeling emotionally stable, then I’d be happy to have a conversation about how I can help you move forward with your personal and/or professional aspirations.

Background image by Phyllis Meredith Photography