My Professional Specialties

Individual Coaching

Practical Transformation Coaching with tangible, actionable and accountable outcomes, as you follow your unique clues and purposeful pathways. Through embodiment and other deeper styles of exploration and inquiry, you partner with your fullest and true self in the process.

$150/individual session anytime

$810/6 sessions over 6-12 weeks

$1,440/12 sessions over 3-6 months

$1,800/18 sessions over 4-9 months

*Individual sessions are 60 minutes


Above 3 images by Phyllis Meredith Photography

Group Coaching

Personal or organizational groups and teams experience the communal support of paving Practical Pathways to Transformation together, within the context of a shared identity or purpose. Commit to yourself and others, in this format that harnesses collective energy.

$1,200/individual group participant

*Includes 12 90-minute sessions

* Join or form a group

* Custom pricing for organizations

* Follow-up with individual coaching


Guided Visualization

Use the power of guided visualization to generate individual and collective impact. I lead custom sessions for individuals, groups, or mission-based organizations. I also host free pre-scheduled group events around Ushering in the New Global Community

$100/individual session.

$50/group participant

*Approximately 45 minutes

*Join or form a group

* Free group events TBA

Practical Transformation Coaching

My specialty as a coach is to help you – whether you’re here personally or as a leader for a mission-driven organization – to find practical pathways to transformation. I help you discover who you are at a deeper level, why you’re here in our world at this time, and how you’re meant to be living in your everyday life with that deep wisdom. You don’t need to have this in mind when you come to work with me. However, these themes almost always show up naturally in sessions, regardless of what the topic and desired outcome are.

For example, if you currently identify as having “imposter syndrome” or as being in “identity crisis,” I can help you unpeel those labels and understand what’s really going on. I also guide you to craft how you’re meant to be living in your everyday life with that deep wisdom.

Perhaps you represent an organization, agency or company, and you’re not 100% sure how you can be most impactful moving forward in today’s environment. I can help.

Perhaps you’re in career transition, and you want to find where you’re truly supposed to be, and do what you’re truly meant to do. I can help you learn to ask those questions of yourself, and get answers grounded in your own deep wisdom.

Learn more

Custom Guided Visualization

I offer customized guided visualization sessions for individuals and groups, including groups of individuals at mission-driven non-profit organizations and for-profit companies.

If you want to boost your ability to create positive, impactful change, I can help you. I offer discounted rates to non-profit organizations on a case-by-case basis.

I also host free virtual guided visualization events, dedicated to world-thriving themes, on pre-set day and times. Sign up for my email list on the bottom of my home page and check out my Announcements page, to learn about these events. And click here to learn more about Guided Visualization.

Above 2 images by Valerie Laney

My Areas of Focus:

Leaders Supporting Global Health & Wellbeing

Are you – either personally or professionally – committed to positively influencing the health and wellbeing of our global community and our planet?

Are you an individual community member who wants to do something positive and impactful, related to societal transformation, nature conservation, climate/environment/planet-healing action… but you don’t know where to begin?

Do you want to help improve the emotional and physical wellbeing of all fellow humans, as well as all other life on Earth?

Are you a leader in a for-profit company or non-profit organization who wants to step out-of-the-box and step into your true purpose – for you, your organization, and our world – with confidence and clarity?

Are you a local or national leader, ready to take each intentional leap forward, as you model inspirational, change-making behavior?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, I can help you discover practical pathways to transformation, so you can get down to the work of why you’re here… now. Learn more.

Adoptees; Birth Mothers/Biological Parents; Adoptive/Foster Parents

I’m an adoptee with my own unique origin story. No adoption story is the same, and some can be challenging to navigate. I offer Individual Coaching for those of you who are adoptees, birth mothers/biological parents or adoptive/foster parents. I also offer Group + Individual Coaching for groups of adoptees, birth mothers/biological parents or adoptive/foster parents.

Whether one-on-one or in a group, coaching sessions are not necessarily focused on being an adoptee, birth mother/biological parent or adoptive/foster parent. However, they will likely cover themes that may be common challenges for those of you who self-identify with one of these groups. Learn more

Unexpected Ancestry/Family Identity Issues due to DNA Analysis Results

There are some life situations that may intensify confusion related to truth and identity. In these times of ancestry discovery through genetic DNA analysis services, family of origin stories may become rattled and family secrets may be revealed in unexpected ways. For some, that can lead to confusion, and struggles to make sense of their biological truths. Learn more

Artists, Musicians, Writers & Other Creatives

Are you an artist, musician, writer, or other creative?

Is the state of creative flow fleeting for you, or downright elusive?

Do you experience the conflict of external voices around you, telling you what you should do… because that’s what the public expects… and another voice inside of you that gets drowned out by all the noise?

Does your creative work seem to get pushed to the side, due to additional professional responsibilities, domestic necessities, or other distractions?

Do you ever experience a sense of loneliness… that there’s not enough support around you to help you birth what’s asking to come through you?

And do you ever feel like something is bubbling under the surface in you, needing to emerge… to be gifted to the world… especially in these critical times?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you’re not alone, and I can help. I’m a fan and friend of so many creatives… and I know I’m meant to coach those of you who bump up against some of the issues mentioned above.

The time for your work to be received – in its fullest truth – is now. Learn more

Healing & Helping Professionals

Are you a holistic or integrative health practitioner, such as an acupuncturist, chiropractor or other therapeutic healer… or a related wellbeing professional, such as a coach, therapist, or counselor?

Do you identify with the label “imposter syndrome,” or sense you lack all the confidence you need to reach your personal, professional and financial goals?

Are you certain you’re meant to be helping others in meaningful ways, yet feeling held back or derailed, professionally?

I can help you. Learn more

Those Sober, Clean & Recovering

I’m here to help those of you who want to follow practical pathways to transformation as sober, clean and recovering. Through Practical Transformation Coaching, I help you gain clarity and insight on what parts of you have been served by unhelpful thoughts and behaviors. When you acknowledge those parts and let them go, you can then replace those old unhelpful thoughts and behaviors with healthy, productive, meaningful and authentic ones… claiming your unique transformative (and practical!) pathways as your best self, with those you love, and out in the world. Learn more

Note: if you (or the audience your organization serves) are presently unable to function, emotionally, in your daily life, then coaching is not advisable. Once you work with the right licensed therapist or other licensed clinician, and are feeling emotionally stable, then I’d be happy to have a conversation about how I might be able to help you move forward with your personal and/or professional aspirations.

Background image by Elizabeth Lemont.

I work with organizations

Are you an agency, non-profit organization or for-profit company that’s working with the above populations, and/or helping to improve the collective wellbeing of life on Earth?

And… would you like to continue moving forward as an organization that models intentional and sustainable world-healing and world-thriving behavior?

If so, then we should meet!

Background image by Phyllis Meredith Photography

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if I need Practical Transformation Coaching?

It’s time to work with me when you want to eliminate unhelpful patterns of behavior, achieve the personal and/or professional aspirations you deserve, and inspire others with your intentional and impactful actions.

What types of clients do you work with?

I work with any of you who want to identify and follow practical pathways to transformation, so you can create transformation in the world. Some of my specific areas of interest are working with:

  • Individuals or organizations supporting global health & wellbeing

  • Artists, musicians, writers and other creatives

  • Health & wellness professionals – holistic/integrative health practitioners, coaches, therapists, counselors, etc.

  • Those in the adoption triad – adoptees, birth mothers, biological parents, adoptive parents, foster parents

  • Those dealing with family of origin issues – absent parents, unexpected ancestry revealed from genetic/DNA analysis

  • Those living with Long Covid/Long-Haul Covid – as they navigate practical pathways to healthy transformation

  • Those sober and recovering or in recovery – wanting to embrace the ways of being that reflect who they really are

  • Non-profit or for-profit organizations that are working with the above populations, and/or supporting global health & wellbeing

  • Any individual or group who wants to help heal our world but doesn’t know how or where to begin

How does coaching differ from other helping professions, such as therapy?

Below are the comparisons of coaching vs. other helping professions, as defined and explained by the International Coaching Federation (ICF):

  • Therapy: Therapy deals with healing pain, dysfunction and conflict within an individual or in relationships. The focus is often on resolving difficulties arising from the past that hamper an individual’s emotional functioning in the present, improving overall psychological functioning, and dealing with the present in more emotionally healthy ways.

    Coaching, on the other hand, supports personal and professional growth based on self-initiated change in pursuit of specific actionable outcomes. Coaching is future-focused, and the coaching relationship emphasizes action, accountability and follow-through.

  • Consulting: Individuals or organizations retain consultants for their expertise. While consulting approaches vary widely, the assumption is the consultant will diagnose problems and prescribe and, sometimes, implement solutions.

    With coaching, the assumption is that individuals or teams are capable of generating their own solutions, with the coach supplying supportive, discovery-based approaches and frameworks.

  • Mentoring: A mentor is an expert who provides wisdom and guidance based on his or her own experience. Mentoring may include advising, counseling and coaching.

    The coaching process does not include advising or counseling, and focuses instead on individuals or groups setting and reaching their own objectives.

  • Training: Training programs are based on objectives set out by the trainer or instructor. Though objectives are clarified in the coaching process, they are set by the individual or team being coached, with guidance provided by the coach. Training also assumes a linear learning path that coincides with an established curriculum. Coaching is less linear, without a set curriculum.

  • Athletic Development: Though sports metaphors are often used, professional coaching is different from sports coaching. The athletic coach is often seen as an expert who guides and directs the behavior of individuals or teams based on his or her greater experience and knowledge.

    Professional coaches possess these qualities, but their experience and knowledge of the individual or team determines the direction. Additionally, professional coaching does not focus on behaviors that are being executed poorly or incorrectly. Instead, the focus is on identifying opportunity for development based on individual strengths and capabilities.

I’m feeling unstable and/or dealing with some issues related to trauma. Is coaching for me?

If you (or the audience your organization serves) are presently unable to function emotionally in your daily life, then coaching is not advisable at this time. Once you work with the right licensed therapist or other licensed clinician, and are feeling emotionally stable, then I’d be happy to have a conversation about how I can help you move forward with your personal and/or professional goals, and to fully access your Truth, Identity & Purpose.

What is the International Coaching Federation?

The International Coaching Federation (ICF) is a self-regulating group of elite coaches who provide accountability to clients and the coaching profession as a whole. They pursue and complete rigorous education and practice requirements that provide unquestioned legitimacy to their commitment to excellence in coaching. I am an ACC ICF-credentialed coach, and an ICF Member, and was trained by an ICF-accredited coach training program. I follow the ICF Code of Ethics.

What might “embodiment exploration” look like in a coaching session?

In Practical Transformation Coaching, I safely guide you to explore and access truths from a deeper place, including from within your full body, which your mind is a part of, but not the ruler of. In this deeper style of inquiry, the wisdom of your holistic self may begin to emerge in some way. In true embodiment exploration, your body may partner and communicate with you by using the felt sense, such as tightness in the chest, butterflies in the stomach, or feelings of lightness or heaviness, to name just a few possible sensations. In addition to communicating with your full self through embodiment, you may tangentially experience visual imagery and spontaneous memory, or access words and phrases that feel and sound more like intuition and less like the reel of stories that may be playing in your everyday mind. This is how additional meaning, clarity and insight may be shared with you. Once this exploration is complete, I guide you to tie it back to your desired outcome, and to resources, tangible actions, and accountability moving forward.

What are coaching “topics” and “outcomes,” and who chooses them?”

You - the client - always choose the session topic and desired outcome, preferably before we meet for coaching. The topic will be something that’s coming up for you as a challenge relating to you, personally, professionally or spiritually… or possibly even a combination of all these parts of you… that you want more insight and clarity on. The desired outcome is something(s) tangible that you want to leave the session with that will help you move forward in positive ways related to the specific topic you brought to coaching. Coaching sessions often share thematic similarities, with forward progression toward your overall goals and aspirations.

What would the coaching relationship look like from start to finish?

We begin with you contacting me (on the Contact page of my website) to schedule a complimentary 45-minute discovery call on Zoom, to see if we’re a good coaching fit. We discuss what your overall goals and aspirations are, and how partnering in this way may scaffold and guide you in your plan. I explain how I work in more detail and leave room for you to ask questions. If we agree that we’re a fit, then we discuss what package might be best for you to begin with. Once you choose a package, I will send you a link to my secure online Square account to pay for your package, and an agreement that we each sign, related to how we will conduct our client-coach relationship. From there the client-coach relationship officially begins for as many sessions as the desired package outlines. When the designated time for the package ends, we have another brief discussion about whether we intend to continue working together, and make adjustments to the new package moving forward, if necessary.

What are your policies for no-shows, canceled/re-scheduled appointments, termination of coaching & refunds?

No-Shows & Cancellation/Rescheduling Policy:

In cases where clients do not show up for a scheduled session, I reserve the right to bill for the entirety of that session.

In cases where clients must cancel or reschedule a session, I require 48 hours notice, and I reserve the right to bill clients for sessions that are cancelled or rescheduled with less than 48 hours notice.

Termination & Refund policy:                                                                           

Prior to beginning coaching or other services... or within the first month of the coaching relationship, if, for some reason, we mutually agree that we (Client and Coach) are not a good coaching fit, and for that reason, and that reason only, we mutually agree to terminate the coaching relationship, I will issue a refund for pre-paid, unused coaching and/or other services. You will be eligible for a refund for pre-paid, unused coaching/services within a period of 3-months from the time either of us initiates – verbally or in writing – any indication that the coaching relationship is not a good fit, that leads to a decision to terminate the coaching relationship or other services.

How and where do we meet for coaching or other programs & events… and why?

In general, I coach virtually, via Zoom, either with or without video – your choice. My experience is that it is equally – if not more intimate – meeting this way. The session time is completely devoted to coaching on my clients’ topics and desired outcomes for that session. This way of working also eliminates the sometimes stress of travel, including weather issues. Finally, I’m able to work with clients anywhere in the world, and for me and my aspirations and visions for a thriving global community, that is critical. My free guided visualization events are also virtual. I may occasionally meet in-person to facilitate group programs for organizations who share my vision for our world.

What is guided visualization, and how can it help me and our world?

Guiding you in visualizing who you are and why you’re here at this time… and how you, as part of a global community, will positively influence and benefit from those visions, is another reason why I know I’m here at this time. It’s a tool embedded in all of us, and it’s an action you can take that is real and true, and that can be filled with deep purpose and power. When you imagine – and feel as if it’s already happened – what it’s truly like, in all the best ways, for not only you, but everyone and everything on our planet, to be healthy and well, then you can set scenarios in motion that allow you to embody health and wellbeing as part of our interconnected global community.

How do you partner with agencies, non-profit and for-profit organizations?

I welcome partnerships with agencies, non-profit organizations or for-profit companies who work with and/or represent audiences I’m positioned to help with Practical Transformation Coaching, or who want to transform (in practical ways!), in order to create transformation in the world. One way of working together is for you to refer clients to me who you feel would benefit from my style of coaching. Another way is for us to partner to develop custom group coaching programs or workshops for those audiences you represent, or for your internal organization - staff, board, etc.

Aside from the actual work you do, how else do you practice gratitude and pay it forward?

I’m grateful to be able to do what I’m meant to be doing, and to be compensated fairly in fulfilling that purpose. That said, I do occasionally accept sliding scale payment from some clients, on a case-by-case basis, depending on the circumstances. Please reach out to me if you’d like to be considered. Additionally, I occasionally offer my services pro-bono, for specific mission and vision-aligned projects, upon request and availability.

Background image by Phyllis Meredith Photography