Practical Pathways to Transformation
Intentional Practice Guide
What Transformation Means to Me
What’s the meaning I currently – and uniquely – assign to the word, “transformation?”
Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and allow yourself to be guided to your unique meaning.
Periodically ask yourself and answer this question. Notice if the meaning transforms.
What are some examples of transformation that I notice in the natural world?
Acknowledge these examples as a natural process. Go outside and witness them… connect with them.
As a human, and also part of life on Earth, how might I be meant to transform?
Remind yourself that you’re not a student here. There are no wrong answers and each of our answers are unique. Take some intentional breaths, close your eyes and allow the answer to arise.
Acknowledging My Magical Human Technology in Action as Practical Pathways to Transformation
You can always remember this truth: we humans are so similar to other life forms – our equal partners here on Earth. We’re all innately equipped with magical technology – or extra sensing ability – that goes beyond what we generally think of as biology. Trees, plants & wildlife model this kind of tech mastery all the time… knowing when and how to do what they’re supposed to do in amazingly natural ways. We humans also have these innate natural sensing abilities, but they’ve been obscured in the midst of our modern systems and lifestyles. The good news – the actual truth – is that we can each access a power that’s similar to what other life forms use. And the first step is for each of us to acknowledge… or at the very least consider the possibility… that we humans (including you!) also contain this basic technology. And when you acknowledge and use this magical human technology, you’re led along practical pathways that allow you to transform in naturally-intended ways.
Ask yourself:
What are some examples I can remember where my magical human technology has been engaged? Take some intentional breaths, close your eyes and allow yourself to be guided to the memories.
My Mind Wants to Protect Me
Your mind is only one part of you, but in its constant desire to keep you safe, it will never willingly volunteer to step down as the leader and protector of you. If left to its own devices, it can’t resist the temptation to share the stories that it believes you want to hear, over and over. Those stories may be the residue of things that have hurt you or scared you, in some way, in your past. When you attempt to try a new, healthier habit, your mind may remind you that you could get hurt – either physically or emotionally – by trying something new and different. Like… “if we just stay in here the same way together, behind the protective barrier, you’ll be safe.” However, most of us know this mechanism isn’t helpful at all, and it can keep us stuck in patterns of behavior that are unhealthy and unhelpful. Your mind may want to constantly remind you of those unhelpful behaviors that it insists keep you “safe.” It will keep pressing “play” on the same old reel of recordings that hold us back from transforming in ways that allow you to follow your purpose and be of unique service in the positive transformation of our world. This kind of communication is different from the extra sensing, or tuning-in technology you innately have, and yet it’s very powerful. That’s the struggle… but there are practical ways out of these unhelpful patterns of internal communication… and if engaged and embraced, those pathways can lead to positive transformation for us all… and for our world!
The Shift Begins With Thank You:
When you want to get clarity on a problematic issue, overcome an unhelpful habit, or if you’d simply like your mind to quiet itself from all the chatter… the first thing you can say to your mind is, “thank you.” Yes, you can talk to your mind… and also to the rest of you (we’ll get to that soon!). You can say, “Thank you for everything you do for me. Thank you for everything you’ve always done to protect me. You do so much for me and our body – which you are a part of – and our body could never survive without you. You must be exhausted from all you do all the time.” And then you can gently and politely suggest that your mind take a well-deserved rest from being your leader and protector. Even for just a few minutes at a time. And you can continue to practice that. You’re not ever saying that you don’t want to hear from your mind anymore. You don’t get angry with your mind. You don’t tell it to leave you alone. You don’t fool yourself into thinking you can ever turn your mind off. It’s not possible. However, when you communicate with your mind in this grateful way… and suggest that the rest of you… your whole self… your body… and whatever guides it… may also have some valuable information to share… and you practice this new kind of communication regularly… your mind will begin to act like it is meant to… like it is a part of – and not the ruler of – your incredibly amazing and natural self. You can be your whole self who uses your basic human technology and takes Practical Pathways to meaningful and purposeful transformation. For you and for our world.
Practical Pathway to Transformation #1: Being Present
Reminder: Your answers are uniquely yours, and they can never be wrong. Take some intentional breaths, close your eyes and allow yourself to be guided to your unique answers to the following questions:
What does being present mean to me?
What are some times I can recall when I was fully present? What did it feel like? What about those experiences allowed me to be fully present?
What are some ways I can practice being present? If that feels overwhelming, start with one idea.
If I notice myself being knocked out of presence, what might I try in the moment to be guided back into presence?
Reminder: Remember to always approach these experiments with curiosity instead of judgement.
Practical Pathway to Transformation #2: Noticing My Unique Clues
You can always remember this truth: unique clues are being presented to you – and every other life form on Earth – all the time. We just need to notice them… and continue to practice the noticing. We can also think of this as, “tuning in.”
Reminder: Your answers are uniquely yours, and they can never be wrong. Take some intentional breaths, close your eyes and allow yourself to be guided to your unique answers to the following questions:
How are some ways I already notice my unique clues or messages being presented to me?
What are some memorable experiences I can recall when unique clues or messages were presented to me?
What about those experiences makes me remember them?
Reminder: Remember to always approach these experiments with curiosity instead of judgement.
Practical Pathway to Transformation #3 – Listening to the Wisdom of My Body
Just like you can gently talk to your mind, you can also communicate with your body, and the wisdom that it has to share is vast and deep. When we engage in true embodiment exploration – like in the type of coaching I do – that communication will often begin with physical sensations in parts of your body. Sometimes the sensations are subtle and sometimes they’re dramatic. Because I’m trained and certified to use embodiment exploration as a tool in my coaching, I guide you to decipher what your body… your whole self… and whatever guides you… might be trying to share with you. By exploring these sensations I guide you to ask follow-up questions, and what is relayed back can also include other forms of communication… like phrasing, imagery and memories being shared in a way that feels different and more intuitive than the way your mind tends to talk to you.
The good news is that you can also practice this deeper level of inner-communication on your own!
Ask yourself:
What are some of the specific physical sensations I’ve felt when my body is trying to share something, and where in my body?
What are some memorable experiences when my body was communicating with me in this way?
Try practicing this kind of communication at a quieter time in your day. Choose an issue that you’re currently trying to work through – either personally or professionally – and feel into it. You may need to gently thank your mind and suggest that it take a well-deserved break from being your leader and protector.
Reminder: Remember to always approach these experiments with curiosity instead of judgement.
Practical Pathway to Transformation #4 – Following My Unique Set of Clues
When you’re practicing your own ways of being present… and noticing the unique clues being shared with you – including the deep wisdom that your body (your whole self and whatever guides you) is sharing with you… then it becomes easier to follow your own clues. One powerful first step is to acknowledge the clue being shared and express your gratitude for it. Even if it’s just you stopping what you’re doing (often times clues are provocatively shared when you least expect them, and when you’re distracted with something else) you may be rewarded with the ability to actually act on something when you stop for a moment and give thanks for what’s just been shared. What also comes from that pause is that you’ve just interrupted the tendency to continue getting lost in whatever day-to-day thing you’re doing or unhelpful pattern of thought or behavior you’re continuing… which is also quite powerful. And when you think about it that way, it’s probably why the clue was shared with you at that time!
Eventually, you may begin to feel like there’s less need and desire to plan everything out, and that it feels more truthful and purposeful to take each step on your own unique path, as opposed to following what others are doing. It might help to remind yourself that we’re all here on Earth to serve a specific purpose, and when you intentionally follow your own clues… so that you serve that purpose through your daily actions both personal and professional… you will naturally benefit from those actions… and our world will, too!
Try this:
When you follow a unique clue and take a forward step in this way, take a quiet moment to check in with your body… your full self. What and how is it sharing with you? What does it feel like?
Does it feel different from when you follow other external voices? In what ways does it feel different?
Reminder: Remember to always approach these experiments with curiosity instead of judgement.
Practical Pathway to Transformation #5 – Knowing and Practicing Visualization: When the Entire World Thrives, I Do Too!
This is the juicy secret that everyone should know and practice! I’m pretty sure that all of you – at this point in your journey – have heard the concept that we are all connected… that all life on Earth is connected – energetically. I inherently believe that The Universe is the overall guide of that energy. So… when you’re tuning into your truest self, you’re actually “clearing your signal,” or fine-tuning your Universal communication skills, so to speak, so that you can influence that energetic connection in positive ways. Because… when all life on Earth is connected… then no one of us will be able to fully thrive unless we want the same for everyone and everything else. That may sound heavy and daunting, but you’re in luck, because you have an innate ability to do something about it! The key is to use your imagination. This may feel a little rusty at first, but you have the powerful ability to use your imagination in intentional and positive ways. You imagined all kinds of good stuff when you were young, and you can still do that now. You must do it now.
Try this:
Take some intentional breaths, close your eyes and allow yourself to be guided to a state of calmness and curiosity…
Now imagine that you live in a world that is thriving in every way. All of nature is thriving. Every form of life is thriving and as naturally intended. As a form of life and a part of nature, you are naturally thriving. There are no geographic boundaries anywhere and no barriers of any kind anywhere. Nothing to divide you from anything or anyone. Nothing and nobody to judge. What does this world look like? Allow the vision to develop aesthetically. Absorb the resonance of the imagery. What does living in this world feel like? What does it feel like to see that everyone and everything around you – and including you – is thriving? Stay with that feeling for a few more moments. Breathe in that feeling. Embody that feeling. Know that it is possible.
Thank you for practicing Practical Pathways to Transformation! If you’re interested in diving deeper, consider joining an upcoming Practical Transformation Intention Group, and/or if you’re interested in partnering with me in Practical Transformation Coaching, email me at to schedule a free discovery call!
©2023 Deb Gold. All rights reserved. Please do not reuse or reproduce without express permission from Deb Gold Coaching